Church Hill Big Local Partnership is made up of local people with ambitions, skills and energy.
Meet The Team
Graham Penny
Community and Green Spaces group
I have lived in Church Hill for 25 years; my Daughter went to Moons moat first school.
My working life began as a lithographic printer, and for many years I had my own printing company producing boxes for the silver plate industry in Wolverhampton.
After many years printing I moved into the IT world and now run Redditch Computer Services a computer repair shop in Redditch.
I am the Group Scout Leader running Church Hill Scout Group, this includes children from 6 years to 14 years of age.
I am passionate about the residents of Church Hill, and hope that my involvement (however big or small) in Church Hill Big Local will help change people’s lives for the better.
Hayley Price
CIO Trustee
Chair of Community Group
Marketing & Media team
I worked in Church Hill for almost 6 years as part of YMCA Worcestershire.
In 2014, I moved to the area with my children who both attend the local schools.
I joined Big Local to help make a difference. I could see the opportunities we could offer the local community and couldn’t wait to be involved!
I have such a passion for this area and want to help to make it a better place for all of us to live in.
Roger Hill
CIO Trustee
Green Spaces Group
I was born in Moseley Birmingham and Married to Carole for forty three years and have lived in Redditch for forty of those years.
My working life has been in engineering starting with a 5 year apprenticeship, then through tool making to tool design then to product design within the automotive and aerospace industries.
Of course there have been a few detours on the way, teaching within engineering, Sales and marketing, direct selling and not to mention four years as a borough Councillor in Redditch representing the Church Hill ward.
I am currently a school governor for Moons Moat First School.
I have been very fortunate within my working life in that my work has taken me to many parts of the word, enabling me not only to see countries but to be working within the different cultures.
I am currently still working. Not found the time to retire yet.
Alison Grimmett
Green Spaces Group
Bio to follow
Laura Meakin
Media & Marketing
Bio to follow
Lewis Frampton
Chair Children & Young People
Bio to follow
Yvonne Earl
Community & Green Spaces
Bio to follow
Zoe Gardner
Bio to follow
Maria Brannelly
Children & Young People
Bio to follow